Pmdg 777
PMDG 777

PMDG is proud to offer the PMDG 777-200LR/F. The 'Triple Seven' as it is affectionately known is one of the world’s most popular long-range airliners and is the world’s largest twin-engine jet. Developed with technical input from. The PMDG 777-200LR/F Base Package for Flight Simulator X and Flight Simulator - Steam Edition. PMDG is proud to offer the PMDG 777-200LR/F. The “Triple Seven” as it is affectionately known is one of the world’s most popular long-range airliners and is the world’s largest twin-engine jet. Developed with technical input from Boeing and a team of real-life 777 crew and maintenance advisors, the PMDG.
PMDG 777 Version (P3D V4)
Current version: 3.2 (Last Updated: 7 March 2020)
777 Global Voice Set
Current Version: 1.0
IMPORTANT: Any available updates are built into the FS2Crew 777 Main Installer. There is no stand-alone updater file.
You must login to your FS2Crew account, select 'COMPLETED ORDERS' and redownload and re-install the full product again.
You do not need to uninstall the previous version.
Note: If you purchased the product via a 3rd party vendor, like Simmarket, Aerosoft or the FS Pilot Shop, you will need to redownload the product directly though them.
Pmdg 777 Shockwave Lights

Pmdg Simulations Pmdg Operations Center
For support and to view the Change Log, please visit the FS2Crew Support Forum at Avsim.